It's National Coffee Day - 7 Facts You Didn't Know About Coffee

Sep 29, 2023

It's National Coffee Day, and we're celebrating all things coffee! This beloved drink not only fuels the start of our days but also stimulates conversations with loved ones and even strangers. It's often the source of inspiration and truly deserves its special day. Now, this isn't just our favorite holiday—it's also our favorite time of the year. There's nothing quite like a cup of Rise & GRND or Brighter Days to awaken you on these crisp fall mornings. For the dark roast aficionados, don't Smoove Operator lattes taste even better when the air is chilly? However you prefer it brewed, and whether you like single origins or a blend; raise your coffee mug (or cold brew can) and join us in toasting coffee enthusiasts across the US: Happy National Coffee Day!

Before you go shop our buy two, get one free deal going on, check out some facts about coffee: 

  1. Yes, it’s National Coffee Day, but America isn’t no.1 in coffee consumption per capita; Finland is. We rank just outside of the top 20. 
  2. Among coffee shops, work, and home, US coffee lovers now consume more than 400 million cups per day.
  3. Between the two types of coffee, Arabica and Robusta, BLK & Bold sources 100% Arabica beans due to their higher quality and smoother taste. 
  4. Speaking of beans, although we refer to them as such, they aren’t actually beans. In fact, they are pits of cherry plants, typically grown near the Equator. 
  5. Coffee is the world’s second largest traded commodity behind crude oil. 
  6. BLK & Bold Is the first Black-owned nationally distributed coffee company, in an industry that’s been around for over 200 years in America. 
  7. Our holiday themed recipe book, Recipes for Impact, highlights our partnership with Canteen and features delicious coffee concoctions using our light, medium, and dark roast beans. One hundred percent of the book’s proceeds goes to our For Our Youth initiative that supports nonprofit youth programs across the nation. You can purchase one here

Cheers to the magic in every mug!

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